Saturday 13 June 2015

This painting was created by me, Natasha George-Bompart in 29-08-2005, at my home. I simply took a picture of a beautiful, breath taking view of a beach scene at Mayaro in Trinidad and transformed it into a memorable picture. You can also do the same! are you interested?view hints on Brush Strokes and on Adding Colour


  1. This is a beautiful painting! Did you paint this yourself? How long did it took for you to accomplish this?

  2. Yes i did , it took around five days maximum. you should have a go!

  3. TASH. I love it but i can not draw. however, u know me i don't let a nice challenge go to waste. i will give it a go

  4. Thanks,,,,,If I can, you can also. I will help you explore the world of art- just give it a go, Home work, look for a picture you love and we will take it from there.

  5. Don't forget tell a friend we want to relieve some stress!

  6. drawing is simple, simply look at the object, observe it for a while, find a starting point and begin. Don't try to draw too dark, light strokes. each object has a size, determine the size you want and begin to draw, it comes with practice. have a go you can do it.

  7. Hey Natasha, it looks great!! I am interested in your technique; brush strokes etc. Also, what paint base did you use? Oil, watercolour or acrylic? I can't tell from the picture but is this painting on canvas? If not, from your experience, what are the best materials to paint on?

  8. This painting is not on canvas, it is on normal painting paper and the paint used was watercolor. However, the best material to paint on is canvas of cause! it is expensive but worth the while, while you are thinking about that grab some acrylic paints, they are the best, because when you are finished you don't have to buy glass only the frame- its so cost effective and it will last forever, I will be publishing more techniques soon, I'm so glad you are interested.

  9. could use the escape to this place the kids want to see where sea and river meet. Great painting.

  10. Lovely. Thanks for sharing. Makes me feel like getting back into drawing.

  11. How ever you are, thanks for the comment!
