Wednesday 24 June 2015

Macqueripe Bay in Trinidad

These are a few pictures that were taken at Macqueripe Bay in Trinidad, you can see that the background has the mountains and the foreground has the wooden fence, this makes it unique; since it has nature and a humanistic appeal at the same time. The sea has its own appeal as well and as a result, you must blend a mixture of colours to capture the sea.

Suggestions, Burnt Sienna with white for the sand, for the water you have to experiment - Thalo Green,Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna , White, Ultramarine Blue and black.

Hint, after painting the water, you need to slightly brush on white on top of the sea as to get the light effect, use a hint of yellow where applicable with white and  a little blue for mystery of cause, don't forget the shore must be painted using white, blue and a hint of brown or burnt sienna since the sand will be in the waves. Go ahead have a go. View more pictures of Macqueripe Bay

These are a few pictures of the well known Macqueripe Beach in Trinidad, these pictures are quite interesting I must say. The wood fence adds a man made touch to the beach scene and it also offers contract between near and far objects, if well executed will be a sought after piece. However, the sun set scene adds a hint of mystery to the picture and again if it is well executed, it will attract buyers.

1 comment:

  1. I love the paintings Tash. Girl you are good. Thanks for sharing.
