Saturday 27 June 2015

Brush strokes

Brush Strokes as requested

Image result for images of watercolor brush strokes

With everything requires lots and lots of practice, but you can do it, melt your stress away.

Clamp a sheet unto a board, divide it into four rectangles 6"x 9", in each rectangle you will practice some washes with different size brushes.The choice of paint could be blue or Ultramarine Blue, it's really up to you, then using a cup or place water at the center of the palette then add a bit of paint, mix will.

Now you are ready to paint, keep a rag or a sponge nearby just in case you make a spill, before you begin to paint place an item under the board so it could be tilted just a bit, this will allow the paint to run freely.Then dip the pain in the wash and begin painting from at the top from right to left,and continue to the end of your first rectangle, its almost like a dance, overlapping stroke after stroke, this way you will not see any stokes when its finish. I like to call it the painting wave , so go ahead and dance or it is also referred to as mowing a lawn; either of the two, the effect is a clean sweep.

You could have a go again,this time choose another color, always remember to never use dirty paint water, when you notice that the water is not clear, change the water because while mixing the paint it get corrupted with the pigment and as a result, the painting begins to look like the dirty wash.

let me know your progress!View a painting

1 comment:

  1. Boy you know your stuff. I will take up the challenge.
