Thursday 30 July 2015

St Kitts and St Lucia

 St Kitts

St Lucia
These as a few more pictures you can choose to paint, isn't the Caribbean beautiful?  Combining beaches with art is one of the most exciting and fulfilling activity one can engage in.
 If  you would like additional help, there are videos posted on the blog.

Have a go and melt your stress away and earn money this way.

Wednesday 29 July 2015





These pictures are samples taken so that you can begin painting your very own master piece. If you can put your hands on your own beach scene that will be fine also. So go ahead and have a go, you will never know what you can accomplished. 
Melt your stress away and earn money this way. 

Thursday 23 July 2015

Utilising the masking technique



As you can see in the before template certain aspects of the water, as well as the boats are covered with masking fluid to prevent the paint from covering the area, eventually the bird was covered as well so to the freedom to paint without worrying whether the area will be painted over.


The possibilities are endless, just have fun with the watercolours and use the colour wheel information that was posted on 26-06-2015 named adding colour. go to post that was published on 26-05-2015

Painting is just an expression of how you are feeing at the point in time, so have a go, you will never know what you could accomplish once you try, so use the opportunity to melt your stress away and while you are doing this you can earn money this way.

Have a go.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

The look-out at the Lady Young

Look at the sun rays at the right side of the pictures, this can be achieved after the painting is completed. When the painting is dry,  just mix white and yellow with a bit of water then dip the smallest paint brush in the medium and apply the brush stroke from the middle of the sun and continue straight down.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

How to include clouds

Look at these cloud formations, each are different and tells it's own story. When you are painting your own story chose cloud formations that would add to the mood and the overall effect of the scene.

Sometimes a little goes a long way. Hint, leave as much white parts for the clouds as possible don't paint the blue over the white parts of the cloud, paint the outer area of the clouds first then add white for blending purposes.

 Now! You are ready to paint the inner area of the cloud 'white' and while it is drying add hints of blue or grey depending on the mood of the painting for highlights purposes, but the base of the cloud is white.

So go ahead and melt your stress away and earn money this way, you can do it.

Monday 20 July 2015

A drive by effect

A drive by picture  go to facebook 
Is this a picture or a painting? If you guest this is a picture you are right. While on my way home I took a picture of a cane field. However, If you want to transform this scene into an ocean setting you can replace the land with sea and in the distance include mountains, just for effect. 
Go ahead and melt your stress away and earn money this way. 

Sunday 19 July 2015

Escape to Macqueripe Bay

Here are more choices to chose from, isn't Trinidad lovely? So have a go and melt your stress away and earn money this way. You will never know if you fail to try. If  I can so you can too.